I'm not extremely active at the moment.
Some may have noticed this. (Due to the disappearance of the Zerobombcast, online radio DJing in general, new productions, and of course.. a large decrease in the lulz spread throughout the audio-end of our NG-community)
But don't worry. I still lurk it up when I'm not RL DJing, or driving 500+ miles every week all around bumfucknowhere doing mold testing. I do plan to try to get on more soon though, and get my website built proper, etc... but there is a long list of shit I'm trying to accomplish at the moment.. so it's hard to get the time to want to mess with it.
I'll make sure to keep all you peeps updated though from time to time, and of course mod the occasional song or two as well.
Soo.. yeah.. uh.... til next time...
Remember to keep your cocks separated from your wobble-copters folks!
And yes, that is a hand-monocle and pinky-extension on the capri-sun sipping there. Class!
I can do that.
..It's not supposed to be difficult. =P