I've been inactive a bit here, so I figured an update was in order.
I've got a synthpop song in the works that I'm too lazy to finish called "The Happy Song", which hopefully I'll get around to finishing and posting here in the next week or two. I've got a demo on my myspace if you want to take a look.
As for the other thing. I'm working on something called Project Raveolution, an electronic dance club for my area.. which hell.. in the middle of America, isn't something you see much. I'm going to rent a local venue, get a few djs together, build a lighting rig, get some merch together.. and try to get a regular operation going, that hopefully I can expand to other places once I've got it established here.
This is where you can help. I'm going to be collecting lots of music to play at these events. It'll be great exposure, as I hope to get at least 200-250 people even to the first one, and I'll make sure to print out setlists of the djs so people can go check them out later. If you have any trance, dnb, dance.. anything that is electronic and danceable, that you'd like me to try to fit into a set and play at an event, post links here and I will go through and pick the best to spin in one of my sets at a Project Raveolution event.
Oh yeah.. I forgot to mention, I will also be putting a website together for this later, which will probably include profiles of contributors that I can link to your ng profile, myspace, whatever.. for extra exposure. I also will be setting up an email and whatnot specifically for the event... once I have the site and email set up.. I will post that here so you can submit stuff that you may want to use, but won't fit on NG (or hq versions, etc)